The Seafarers Happiness Index Q2 2023 Report - a brief

Analyzing the Seafarers Happiness Index Q2 2023 Report

The Seafarers Happiness Index (SHI) for Q2 2023, recently published by the Mission to Seafarers, provides a crucial snapshot of the well-being and job satisfaction of seafarers worldwide. This article reviews and summarises the key findings of this important report.

The SHI, an essential gauge of seafarer satisfaction, is based on responses from seafarers across the globe. It covers ten key areas: general happiness, contact with family, recreational facilities, shore leave, wage satisfaction, food quality, fitness and health, onboard training, workload, and interaction with other crew members.

For Q2 2023, the overall Happiness Index stands at 6.71 on a 10-point scale, a dip from the 7.26 recorded in Q1. This decrease, indicates an overall decline in seafarer satisfaction levels, highlighting the need for improved attention to their concerns.

Contact with Family remained a significant issue, scoring 7.11 compared with 7.56 on previous survey. The report indicates that despite advances in technology, many seafarers still struggle with irregular and poor-quality internet connections, hindering their ability to stay in regular touch with their families. This area needs urgent attention as communication with loved ones is crucial to the mental well-being of seafarers.

Welfare Facilities
scored 6.33 again marginally lower than 6.49 in previous quarter. The survey respondents mentioned that while some ships have modern, well-equipped facilities, others lag. The disparity in recreational amenities across the fleet is a concern that needs to be addressed to ensure uniform standards.

Shore Leave scored poorly at 5.74, a decrease from 6.23 for Q1. Restrictions due to ongoing global health concerns, and port protocols have limited shore leave opportunities, impacting seafarers' mental health.

Wage Satisfaction shifted slightly lower from 7.02 from 7.32. Seafarers expressed satisfaction with their wages, but some reported delayed payments and discrepancies in wages between nationalities, a concern that needs rectification.

Food Quality scored 6.87, again a slight drop from 7.02, indicating that most vessels provide decent quality food. However, some seafarers reported a lack of diversity and insufficient supply of fresh produce, especially on long voyages.

Fitness and Health scored 6.9, a slight decrease from the 7.1 from Q1. Encouragingly, seafarers reported increased emphasis on onboard fitness regimes and mental health support. However, access to medical care, especially for non-emergency conditions, remains a concern.

Onboard Training scored 7.09, a drop from 7.41 last quarter, reflecting a slight drop in trend in the provision of training opportunities. However, seafarers stressed the need for more practical, hands-on training rather than theoretical knowledge.

Workload scored 6.5 from 7.03, with seafarers reporting increasing work pressures, long hours, and short turnaround times. This area calls for immediate attention, as excessive workload leads to fatigue, a significant risk factor for onboard accidents.

Finally, Interaction with Other Crew Members scored 7.47 a drop from the earlier 7.78, indicating good relationships among crew members. However, cultural differences and language barriers were cited as occasional issues.

The Seafarers Happiness Index report for the second quarter of 2023 underscores notable challenges encountered by maritime professionals. There has been an observed decrease in contentment levels encompassing various facets of their maritime duties and lifestyles. These concerns necessitate concerted efforts to improve seafarers' welfare and enhance their overall sense of well being whilst at work on the high seas.

For further details, you may access the report at the link provided below.


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